Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Fashion: The least fashionable

Things I know about kim kardashian:

1. She obviously doesn't own a mirror
2. She pays people to follow her around and tell her she is so fashionable and beautiful
3. She truly believes she is a trendsetter
4. She is obsessed with leather and tight fitted

Things the world hopes for her child:
1. It gets a nanny (God help the child if she raises it)
2. The child will indeed, refuse to be called Easton West (the name Kim revealed if its a boy)
3. It will be allergic to leather
4. It goes to boarding school

In case you have missed some of Kim's recent outfits:

To the girl in the back of this photo staring.. I feel ya lady- we are all wondering what the heck kim is doing and wearing. 

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